A European based company that develops and commercializes protein based beverages was interested in understanding the patent activity in plant-protein food and beverages.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Problem & Context:
SciTech Patent Art Approach & Deliverables:
- A team of Biotechnologists were assigned this task.
- Patent searches were conducted using multiple patent databases for the patents published in Europe in the last 20 years with a focus on plant protein based beverages, proteins, prebiotics and probiotics.
- The patents were reviewed handled in 2 phases
- Phase –I: Tool based screening and creation of taxonomy based on title, abstract and different types of proteins, Pre-biotics or Pro-biotics.
- Phase –II: Short-listed protein combinations were analyzed in detail
- Non-English language patents were analyzed based on the available machine translated language/text.
- The analyzed information was harmonized and mapped to obtain insights from the patent literature.
- An executive summary of the research was presented with insightful charts was presented covering key assignees, overall patent filing trends, technology trends by year, assignee, etc.
Turnaround Time :
- 2 weeks
Cost :
- $ 5,000