The SPA team was chartered to develop a non-chemical insect repellent device. Client was looking for secondary research support, and IP and non-IP research, from the SPA team all the way from conceptualization to product launch.
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Problem & Context:
SciTech Patent Art Approach & Deliverables:
- A 2-member team from SPA was assigned on a full-time basis to support the client team.
- SPA team conducted multiple prior art, landscape, patentability and freedom-to-operate searches in both patent and non-patent literature during the course of the project. A patent landscape study helped identify white-spaces in the early stages of the project.
- A unique aspect of this project was that the product technology concepts kept rapidly evolving during the project. SPA’s support team had to repeat analyses multiple times quickly to keep pace with the product development team’s iterations.
- SPA analysed technologies from three distinct technical domains – mechanical operations, polymer technology and packaging.
- Patent searches were conducted in the multiple databases using the different keywords combination and with different search logic approaches.
- Analysis of the relevant patents was conducted to bring out the salient features of technologies.
Turnaround Time:
- 30 – 40 weeks
- $30,000