Design searches and landscape are very useful in answering questions such as the following:

We are launching new designs for products. How do we differentiate and protect our new product designs?

Product design is gaining increasing importance in the world today corporations are beginning to realize that designs are as important as the inherent product technology. Design patents are a core component of an IP portfolio today. Protecting and monitoring the design landscape is hence a critical business function today. SciTech Patent Art design search specialists are well-trained in design searching, specifically for key differentiating features of a design, in various global databases. The search results are presented in a client-friendly format, which allows the client to get a feel for the landscape rapidly and helps the client in formulating a strategy to protect / enforce their design idea. Try this service and you will understand what we are talking about.

Key Deliverables

  • Labelled drawings for easy to read & understand
  • Searches using Locarno classifications using subscribed database
  • User friendly format with several images of design explained clearly