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Electronics / Telecom

We want to conduct an Evidence-of-use study by gathering product specifications from various sources and conducting further analysis on key relevant products

Problem & Context: The client, a Japanese innovation company engaged SciTech Patent Art to create Evidence of Use (EoU) in the area of imaging technology. The study was aimed at identifying patent i...

We want to study patent literature to learn what type of materials are being used for semiconductor devices. We want to explore new application areas by using various different types of materials

Problem & Context: An Italian wire and cable company engaged SciTech Patent Art to create an overview of materials used for electrically connecting semiconductor devices. The study was aimed at iden...

We are investigating few promising future technologies and would need market research reports on these technologies

Problem & Context: A Japanese consulting company engaged SciTech Patent Art to create various secondary market reports for promising future technologies. SciTech Patent Art created 50+ such reports ...

We would like to conduct an evidence of use analysis for some of our key patents. Can you search for relevant products?

Problem & Context: A Japanese information technology & electronics company was interested in conducting evidence of use research for patents / applications of their interest. They were interest...

Some of our key patents map to mobile broadband standards and so we are interested in identifying potential licensing opportunities by searching for vendors and operators

Problem & Context: A Japanese Telecom Company engaged SciTech Patent Art to map the claims of some of their patents with mobile broadband standards. The client also requested SciTech Patent Art to i...