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Freedom to Operate Search / FTO Search

Periodic Freedom to Operate (FTO) searches made easier with an FTO database

This article is a sequel to our earlier discussion about “Develop products with confidence using early-stage Freedom-To-Operate (FTO) searches”. It is our continued commitment to emphasize the importance of FTO...

Develop products with confidence using early-stage Freedom to Operate (FTO) searches

A recent conversation with one of our clients prompted us to reinforce our belief that early-stage freedom to operate searches are business critical. Our client, a corporate R&D organization, informed us of...

What is Freedom to Operate(FTO) search and why it is essential?

Freedom to Operate (FTO) – an introduction: Freedom to operate search is an imperative due diligence step to be performed for any organization prior to commercializing a newly developed product or process. Free...