A Japanese Telecom Company engaged SciTech Patent Art to map the claims of some of their patents with mobile broadband standards. The client also requested SciTech Patent Art to identify specific products from base station vendors/cell phone vendors which could be implementing the features of client’s patented technologies.
Problem & Context:
SciTech Patent Art Approach & Deliverables:
A 2-member team at SciTech Patent Art was assigned full-time to work on standard essential patents request. SciTech Patent Art reviewed the patents in detail and identified key elements of the claim under investigation. Keyword searches were conducted on websites such as etsi.org; or 3gpp.org that are relevant to ICT-enabled systems. Relevant technical specifications relating to industry-specific standards were identified and mapped with claimed elements. Critical drawings in patents were also mapped to the identified technical specifications (standards).
In addition, searches were conducted to identify relevant products from base station vendors / operators. Relevant products and its product features were mapped to claim elements. Also identified the standards that were being used by each of base station vendors/ operators.
The project took about 4 weeks and costed around $15,000