Evidence of use analysis supports resolving intricate questions such as the following:

Can you search for relevant products that match specific patents, so that we can identify possibility of any infringement?

Evidence of use analysis / Patent Product matching is frequently conducted to detect potential infringements or to identify potential licensing opportunities. SPA analysts have conducted many studies wherein they have obtained key patents, dissected them into various claim elements and then identified specific products in the patent that use various aspects of the claim elements. The studies are presented in a concise, user-friendly manner so that clients can quickly understand the findings and make a decision in further steps.


  • Outline distinct technical elements of patents under investigation
  • Search products related to the technical elements
  • Analyse and compare the technical elements and relevant products

Key Deliverables

  • Our claim charts are in a visually intuitive format that enables quick assimilation
  • Comparison of drawings from patents and products

Related Case Studies


画像技術に関する使用の証拠(Evidence of Use : EoU)の作成を要望。 市場に流通する製品を対象とした侵害事実の確認を目的とした調査を実施。 SPAは、侵害の可能性が想定される10~20の特許を抽出、